#2 : "NOUN" - Kata Benda

Hello pals..... meet me again for sharing some of my piece of knowledge..coz I my self still have to learn more..and more.. and mooooooooore... :D

ok then, let's moving to the next Part of Speech, called "NOUN"

Definition ~ Definisi

Noun  :

The part of speech (or word class) that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing, quality, or action. Adjective: nominal.

Kebanyakan nouns memiliki bentuk singular and plural, dapat diikuti oleh  article dan/atau satu atau lebih adjectives, dan dapat digunakan sebagai the head of a noun phrase.

Next is about Countable (Dapat dihitung) and Uncountable Noun (Tidak dapat dihitung)

Countable Noun

Pasti udah pada tau kan yang gimana itu Countable Noun???(iya kan... iya donk.. pasti kan?? :D).
Hehe..intinya sih countable noun itu benda yang dapat kita hitung

Example : Avocado , Manggo

buah favorit nih readers, ahahah modus... gapapa lah ya biasanya kan kalo ngasih contoh itu di buku-buku B. Inggris tuh banyaknya apple,orange etc. Nah berhubung author sukanya alpuket jadi kasih contohnya Avocado..(gak penting banget kata readers...#lemparSendal).

yup back to the point cekidot aja deh  contoh-contoh lain dari  countable nouns:

dog, cat, animal, man, person
bottle, box, litre
coin, note, dollar
cup, plate, fork
table, chair, suitcase, bag

  • Countable nouns dapat menjadi singular atau plural:
          My dog is playing.
          My dogs are hungry.

  • Kita juga bisa pake indefinite article a/an dengan countable nouns:
         A dog is an animal.

  • ketika countable noun dalam bentuk singular, Kita mesti pake tambahan kata : a/the/my/this:
         I want an orange. (not I want orange.)
         Where is my bottle? (not Where is bottle?)

  • Tapi kalau countable noun-nya  plural, dia bisa stand alone a.k.a berdiri sendiri , ngga perlu pakai kata - kata lain lagi:
         I like oranges.
         Bottles can break.

  • Penggunaan some dan any untuk countable nouns:
         I've got some dollars.
         Have you got any pens?

  • Penggunaan a few dan many untuk countable nouns:
         I've got a few dollars.
         I haven't got many pens.

"People" is countable. "People" is the plural of "person". We can count people:
There is one person here.
There are three people here.

Uncountable Noun

Ok deh, setelah tadi author bahas tentang Countable Noun, next adalah lawannya yaitu tidak lain tidak bukan adalah.......jreng..jreng..... (lebay banget yak.. :p) , yup its the Uncountable Noun.

Uncountable nouns adalah substansi, konsep atau hal lain yang tidak bisa kita bagi menjadi elemen terpisah. Kita juga ngga bisa "menghitung" a.k.a meng-"count" mereka. For example, Bisa ngga kita ngitung "milk" ? ngga kan?? yang bisa kita hitung itu  jumlah botol nya or "bottles of milk" atau bisa juga jumlah liter nya or we can say "litres of milk", Tapi tetep kita ngga bisa menghitung si- "milk"-nya  itu sendiri. 

Here are some more uncountable nouns:

music, art, love, happiness
advice, information, news
furniture, luggage
rice, sugar, butter, water
electricity, gas, power
money, currency

  • Biasanya uncountable nouns dianggap sebagai singular. Kita menggunakan singular verb. For example:
          This news is very important.
          Your luggage looks heavy.

  • Biasanya kita tidak menggunakan indefinite article a/an terhadap uncountable nouns. Kita tidak bisa menyatakan "an information" atau "a music", tapi mengatakannya menggunakan "a something of " :
         a piece of news
         a bottle of water
         a grain of rice

  • Penggunaan some dan  any dengan uncountable nouns:
         I've got some money.
         Have you got any rice?

  • Penggunaan a little dan much dengan uncountable nouns:
         I've got a little money.
         I haven't got much rice.

Uncountable nouns are also called "mass nouns".
Here are some more examples of countable and uncountable nouns:


Exception ~

Nouns that can be both Countable and Uncountable

Sometimes, noun yang sama bisa saja menjadi countable and uncountable, sering juga diikuti oleh perubahan makna.

There are two hairs in my coffee!hairI don't have much hair.
There are two lights in our bedroom.lightClose the curtain. There's too much light!
Shhhhh! I thought I heard a noise.
There are so many different noises in the city.
noiseIt's difficult to work when there is too much noise.
Have you got a paper to read? (newspaper)
Hand me those student papers.
paperI want to draw a picture. Have you got some paper?
Our house has seven rooms.roomIs there room for me to sit here?
We had a great time at the party.
How many times have I told you no?
timeHave you got time for a coffee?
Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's greatest works.workI have no money. I need work!

NOTES: Drinks (coffee, water, orange juice) biasanya uncountable. Tapi jika kita membicarakan a cup or a glass, misalnya di restaurant, for example:
"Two teas and one coffee please."


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